Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Mirror of love

Title: Mirror of love

Prayed all her night for the one, so did he.
First impression brought about her attention, so had it to him.

Her initial flush gave her away, so did he.
Brief introduction thrilled her, so had it to him.

Time brought her closer to him, so did he.
Occasional letdown when she blew cold and hot, so had it to him.

Against logic she was discouraged, so did he.
Her intuition told of otherwise, so had it to him.

Moments of truth saw her love cemented, so did he.
Truly, Prince in her life appeared, so had his Princess.

I just wonder how many of you have experienced the cycle mentioned above. For me, it is one of the most innocent way to fall in love, don't you agree? Simple. Like a destined pair, they knew from the start they were meant for each other. Through intuition, they were already together even before they put a tag on each other, "attached". Beautiful, as good as a fairy tale told.

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