Thursday, January 17, 2008

"everyone sits in a round table."

Title: "everyone sits in a round table."

At the end of the day, "everyone sits in a round table" and everyone has equal right and share of work. That's what one thought.

So how does leadership come into play? It does play a part. A leader is a servant to everyone. I once lamented and still lamenting over the fact that middle-level leader suffers the most from an organisation. He/she is the connector between the people and the ultimate boss of the organisation. He/she shall be the most politically correct person in the hierarchy. As taught since young, "见人, 说人话. 见鬼, 说鬼话." Well, it does hold true till today. When the middle-level leader faces his superior, he can at most resist an unfavourable decision for some days and soon conform to the ultimate order. Then, when he/she faces his/her team-mates, he/she might have a change in tone and the communicating method may even differ. But for some exceptional cases, some may remain straightforward to anyone and does not mind his/her way of communicating. This is the best but the one who does so may see himself in danger zones soon. This is dynamics. Humans are good at it, don't they?

The leader may already be drained out emotionally due to this. In the process of doing a work, he/she may need to do extra work but sometimes he/she is not greatly recognised of his/her effort. The stumbling block for such recognition denial is his/her position in the organisation is not correct. Leader is hard to be and needs to please every single soul.

A leader is as good as a servant. Only a good servant can understand the needs of its owners truly and fulfil them. "Everyone sits in a round table?" Maybe not, after all.

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