Title: we ESCAPED!
Yida, Sheau Chyuan, Xiao Ting and i went out. This time it was at Escape Theme Park. It was so long since i last stepped into the amusement park. I felt giddy after the first ride which was all about spinning.
Then we had a thrilling boat that came down the 2 slides with one of shorter versioned and the other much taller at 15 metres. Luckily for me, i was not as drenched as Yi Da and Xiao Ting. Although Sheau Chyuan did mention that sitting at the front part of the 2 man boat would help one getting less wet and i chose the front seat, i did not do it under her influence.
Next it was Inverter. I decided to miss it as i was giddy. So the 3 of them played. Then, we went for 2 person Go Kart!. It was my first time riding the Go Kart! and was done alone when i thought Yi Da could be the person in it with me. Well, all the initial fears that i might not ride it were gone when my foot was on the accelerator.
Then we all went for a boat cum water gun shooting session. I was all drenched after that. I was shot in the head a few times. The main culprit was Xiao Ting. Luckily for me, i did shoot her directly too. Well, nachos with sausages were what we had after the water gun session.
Xiao Ting and Sheau Chyuan went for single Go Kart! while me and Yi Da took a ride where we were required to lie down faced down and that the ride started when it spinned and we were as though flying around like superman in the air. That ride was good as we could play again and again without queueing.
Finally, i went for the Inverter with Yi Da as the girls were still waiting for their Go Kart! ride. I purposely chose the outermost seats. So when the inverter went for more than 360 degrees turn, we could see clearly the objects around in the theme park. When we were enjoying the ride, we shouted, "Oh my tian!" while seeing the ground from high up in the air. The feeling was wonderful and i felt more happy playing the ride.
Then at night, in celebration of Halloween, we saw staff wearing make-ups and costumes to make themselves visibly scary. We had a few shots with them too.
The day ended when we went to Changi Village for dinner then a stroll at the Changi Beach.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Photos from we ESCAPED!
Friday, October 26, 2007
Sentosa Trip
Title: Sentosa Trip
21 Oct/Sun
Went out with Xiao Ting, Jia Hui, Yi Da, Gerry and Sheau Chyuan (Xiao Ting's sister) to Sentosa. We all went there because of a family day event and could enter Sentosa free of charge. We also took the Luge ride and is a ride worth trying.
Then had a short sun-tanning session at Palawan beach. Well, i left the beach earlier as my stomach was to empty and i could not hold out any longer. haha. I ate at the nearby food court with Sheau Chyuan, while the rest were still having their own fun.
The day ended with ice-cream session at Ben and Jerry's.
21 Oct/Sun
Went out with Xiao Ting, Jia Hui, Yi Da, Gerry and Sheau Chyuan (Xiao Ting's sister) to Sentosa. We all went there because of a family day event and could enter Sentosa free of charge. We also took the Luge ride and is a ride worth trying.
Then had a short sun-tanning session at Palawan beach. Well, i left the beach earlier as my stomach was to empty and i could not hold out any longer. haha. I ate at the nearby food court with Sheau Chyuan, while the rest were still having their own fun.
The day ended with ice-cream session at Ben and Jerry's.
Photos from Sentosa Trip
Title: Photos from Sentosa Trip
Super height difference!: Me and Gerry

Eating: Hard to eat with braces!
A memory forever: JiaHui and Xiao Ting
Skyride: the girls

Ready for Luge: Take 1 - Shuea Chyuan (centre)

Ready for Luge: Take 2

Covered with sand: Yida
Got Wet: thanks those around me!

Group photo: I'm here

Shot after meal: Ice cream is nice

Gerry: what are you trying to say?

Super height difference!: Me and Gerry
Eating: Hard to eat with braces!
A memory forever: JiaHui and Xiao Ting
Skyride: the girls
Ready for Luge: Take 1 - Shuea Chyuan (centre)
Ready for Luge: Take 2
Covered with sand: Yida
Got Wet: thanks those around me!
Group photo: I'm here
Shot after meal: Ice cream is nice
Gerry: what are you trying to say?
Monday, October 22, 2007
Evangeline's Birthday
Title: Evangeline's Birthday
20 Oct was fun. I went to Plaza Singapura to meet Melise, Derek, Maureen, Wen Jie and newly-made friend Siu Wen after a meeting in school. So we started shopping around to source for presents for the birthday girl. haha. The first stop was near the eating place we were at previously. So Maureen commented that the display item looked really good and was worthy of a gift. In the end, I gave a comment that put off her and Siu Wen, "So you like this gift so there is no point buying whatever you like." It was as though i told her that the gift would not be what Evangeline would have liked to have.
So we proceeeded to a shop. At the shop, Melise who was obsessed with hiphop related stuff, was thinking of buying a hiphop jacket for Evangeline. So i went," So you like this, there is no point (buying)." (sounded really bad) So Siu Wen was already abit mad with what i said. For Wen Jie, he was so bored that he even put Melise's handphone into the display dress.
When we were at a toy shop, a call came. It was Derek. Haha, we left to shop while not alerting him, who was visiting the restroom. We did not pick up any calls from him till the toy shop. But when we tried to answer, he hanged the call as he was standing right behind and had Maureen frightened when she turned and looked.
While shopping around, Wen Jie sometimes also teased Maureen (爱昧) and Maureen seemed enjoying, 哦my天! This is scandalous. I just could not stand it till i even got Siu Wen and Derek to walk faster and let the supposedly couple to have their wild fun. haha. Derek's reaction was he was already immuned to Maureen's such doings.
In the end, a chicken stuff toy was bought. When walking to the MRT, Siu Wen popped me a question.
Siu Wen: You know what is heyboy in Vietnamese?
Me: Don't know.
Siu Wen: It is hello
Siu Wen: What about bye in Vietnamese?
Me: erm....
Siu Wen: It is heygirl.
Me: You are from Vietnam?
Siu Wen: no. I lied.
What actually made me believe it slightly was that Siu Wen looked as though she was from some neigbouring country. She looked like a foreigner.
So at the MRT station, we even played with the chicken. There were comments like Maureen and the chicken looked alike or i and the chicken looked similar which i thought was so unbelievable, 哦my天!
Finally, we reached White Sands shopping centre. The girls went printing photos while the rest went to Macdonald's as i needed a meal. After some time, the girls came back and we had to start writing on the birthday card. Then Evangeline came. I did not expect it. I was just back from the washroom and i saw her standing so close to where we were all sitting. She kept looking around for us but somehow could not as they all placed their heads on the table avoiding her. For me, as i was looking from a higher level, i could easily interpret why they were avoiding her and i had to distract her. So i came down the steps with my eyes fixed on my phone and walked past Evangeline who was near the flight of steps. haha.
When she went, "aaaa.....", i wished her happy birthday and knitted a story for her saying that Melise and company were sitting elsewhere in the eating outlet. So as i was misleading her, she saw Jia Feng and Aik Nen and company. Then i told her to leave with them while i and the rest would leave afterwards on our own.
As we were completing the card, we wrote Evangeline a chinese name on the card - 仪范杰林 which was come up by Melise, Siu Wen and me. To claim most of the credits, i came up with the exact chinese characters. I also told them that crab popcorn is in Japanese called, kani NB (hokkien word). By the way, i have not confirmed the pronounciation for the word popcorn.
Derek was funny when he created the tortoise language and communicated it with Maureen, (2 way communication which Maureen also went plob, plob.... at the bus interchange).
Walking towards the pits, i even called Zarra and blabbered some Japanese into her ears. Apparently, she just woke up from her sleep and had to hear a foreign language and unfamiliar voice on the phone.
So i went, "Watashi wa Tan san desu. Anatawa Lin san desuka? kani NB O tabe masuka?" The next thing i knew was she screamed into the phone and went all silent. The first phone call ended. Then i called again and started it again. haha. She ended my call soon. Derek eventually called and told her it was a prank but she replied saying," I nearly scolded, F**K you."
At the BBQ pits, i got to know some more new friends like Jing Xiang, EnQing, Jansen. We played do-ing, do-ing, introduced by Siu Wen and was also the biggest loser for the game. For more information on the game, do visit http://www.deal-withit.blogspot.com/.
We all went to play at the playground. haha. We climbed the pyramid, played swing and spinning discs. Also, Jansen, Wen Jie and i went to the beach near the pits where it was dark but there were 2 persons who could be seen from afar, digging. They even used a hoe to dig.
Then Jing Xiang taught Melise some malay. Her usual complaint was that she learnt from the book and was frequently given the false information when Jing Xiang corrected her. haha. I learnt a malay word, "pandai" meaning smart.
Birthday Message to Evangeline:
I hope you have enjoyed yourself on birthday. I have remembered you like doing the motion where you placed your fists together and rubbing your thumbs while you looked elsewhere. It was really classic. 哦my天! Anyway, happy 17 and good happenings on your way!
20 Oct was fun. I went to Plaza Singapura to meet Melise, Derek, Maureen, Wen Jie and newly-made friend Siu Wen after a meeting in school. So we started shopping around to source for presents for the birthday girl. haha. The first stop was near the eating place we were at previously. So Maureen commented that the display item looked really good and was worthy of a gift. In the end, I gave a comment that put off her and Siu Wen, "So you like this gift so there is no point buying whatever you like." It was as though i told her that the gift would not be what Evangeline would have liked to have.
So we proceeeded to a shop. At the shop, Melise who was obsessed with hiphop related stuff, was thinking of buying a hiphop jacket for Evangeline. So i went," So you like this, there is no point (buying)." (sounded really bad) So Siu Wen was already abit mad with what i said. For Wen Jie, he was so bored that he even put Melise's handphone into the display dress.
When we were at a toy shop, a call came. It was Derek. Haha, we left to shop while not alerting him, who was visiting the restroom. We did not pick up any calls from him till the toy shop. But when we tried to answer, he hanged the call as he was standing right behind and had Maureen frightened when she turned and looked.
While shopping around, Wen Jie sometimes also teased Maureen (爱昧) and Maureen seemed enjoying, 哦my天! This is scandalous. I just could not stand it till i even got Siu Wen and Derek to walk faster and let the supposedly couple to have their wild fun. haha. Derek's reaction was he was already immuned to Maureen's such doings.
In the end, a chicken stuff toy was bought. When walking to the MRT, Siu Wen popped me a question.
Siu Wen: You know what is heyboy in Vietnamese?
Me: Don't know.
Siu Wen: It is hello
Siu Wen: What about bye in Vietnamese?
Me: erm....
Siu Wen: It is heygirl.
Me: You are from Vietnam?
Siu Wen: no. I lied.
What actually made me believe it slightly was that Siu Wen looked as though she was from some neigbouring country. She looked like a foreigner.
So at the MRT station, we even played with the chicken. There were comments like Maureen and the chicken looked alike or i and the chicken looked similar which i thought was so unbelievable, 哦my天!
Finally, we reached White Sands shopping centre. The girls went printing photos while the rest went to Macdonald's as i needed a meal. After some time, the girls came back and we had to start writing on the birthday card. Then Evangeline came. I did not expect it. I was just back from the washroom and i saw her standing so close to where we were all sitting. She kept looking around for us but somehow could not as they all placed their heads on the table avoiding her. For me, as i was looking from a higher level, i could easily interpret why they were avoiding her and i had to distract her. So i came down the steps with my eyes fixed on my phone and walked past Evangeline who was near the flight of steps. haha.
When she went, "aaaa.....", i wished her happy birthday and knitted a story for her saying that Melise and company were sitting elsewhere in the eating outlet. So as i was misleading her, she saw Jia Feng and Aik Nen and company. Then i told her to leave with them while i and the rest would leave afterwards on our own.
As we were completing the card, we wrote Evangeline a chinese name on the card - 仪范杰林 which was come up by Melise, Siu Wen and me. To claim most of the credits, i came up with the exact chinese characters. I also told them that crab popcorn is in Japanese called, kani NB (hokkien word). By the way, i have not confirmed the pronounciation for the word popcorn.
Derek was funny when he created the tortoise language and communicated it with Maureen, (2 way communication which Maureen also went plob, plob.... at the bus interchange).
Walking towards the pits, i even called Zarra and blabbered some Japanese into her ears. Apparently, she just woke up from her sleep and had to hear a foreign language and unfamiliar voice on the phone.
So i went, "Watashi wa Tan san desu. Anatawa Lin san desuka? kani NB O tabe masuka?" The next thing i knew was she screamed into the phone and went all silent. The first phone call ended. Then i called again and started it again. haha. She ended my call soon. Derek eventually called and told her it was a prank but she replied saying," I nearly scolded, F**K you."
At the BBQ pits, i got to know some more new friends like Jing Xiang, EnQing, Jansen. We played do-ing, do-ing, introduced by Siu Wen and was also the biggest loser for the game. For more information on the game, do visit http://www.deal-withit.blogspot.com/.
We all went to play at the playground. haha. We climbed the pyramid, played swing and spinning discs. Also, Jansen, Wen Jie and i went to the beach near the pits where it was dark but there were 2 persons who could be seen from afar, digging. They even used a hoe to dig.
Then Jing Xiang taught Melise some malay. Her usual complaint was that she learnt from the book and was frequently given the false information when Jing Xiang corrected her. haha. I learnt a malay word, "pandai" meaning smart.
Birthday Message to Evangeline:
I hope you have enjoyed yourself on birthday. I have remembered you like doing the motion where you placed your fists together and rubbing your thumbs while you looked elsewhere. It was really classic. 哦my天! Anyway, happy 17 and good happenings on your way!
Photos from Evangeline's Birthday
Title: Photos from Evangeline's Birthday
Cute: Derek poses! Full of passion!

Think: Working hard on the card!

Card: Mel and Siu Wen with birthday card.

Smile: haha, Siu Wen's braces smile

All: family portrait!

Map: This is where we are!

Take a shot: yeah!

Look: where are you all looking?

Camera-shy:" Jansen is there!"

Finally: Birthday Girl- Evangeline(仪范杰林)!

Cute: Derek poses! Full of passion!
Think: Working hard on the card!
Card: Mel and Siu Wen with birthday card.
Smile: haha, Siu Wen's braces smile
All: family portrait!
Map: This is where we are!
Take a shot: yeah!
Look: where are you all looking?
Camera-shy:" Jansen is there!"
Finally: Birthday Girl- Evangeline(仪范杰林)!
Friday, October 19, 2007
Jeff's Birthday
Title: Jeff's Birthday
18 Oct/Thursday
Headed to Jeffrey's house with Yida, Yong Qing. When we reached the bus-stop outside Jeff's house, we walked in with Jeff. haha. The night was filled mainly with the 3 of us chatting away whille Jeffrey who had many friends came, needed to serve food. Poor him, had to run around his house.
Birthday message to Jeffrey:
it has been cool to know you. Well, we barely know each other for less than a week and i have already attended your birthday party. That's amazing. POPCORN! I mean real popcorn, i must get to eat them when we go watch movie again. The popcorn must be either salty or mixed. If the popcorn really has to be purely sweet, make sure there is caramel. Enjoy the rest of the year and hope that our friendship will last!
18 Oct/Thursday
Headed to Jeffrey's house with Yida, Yong Qing. When we reached the bus-stop outside Jeff's house, we walked in with Jeff. haha. The night was filled mainly with the 3 of us chatting away whille Jeffrey who had many friends came, needed to serve food. Poor him, had to run around his house.
Birthday message to Jeffrey:
it has been cool to know you. Well, we barely know each other for less than a week and i have already attended your birthday party. That's amazing. POPCORN! I mean real popcorn, i must get to eat them when we go watch movie again. The popcorn must be either salty or mixed. If the popcorn really has to be purely sweet, make sure there is caramel. Enjoy the rest of the year and hope that our friendship will last!
Photos from Jeff's Birthday
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Guan Zhu's Birthday
Title: Guan Zhu's Birthday
Met Guan Zhu, Han Xiang, Wei Ting, Cynthia and Michelle (孙女) for dinner to celebrate Guan Zhu's birthday. Although his birthday fell on the 15th, Guan Zhu wanted it to be held on tuesday, 16th. A pity Wei Ting could not join us for the dinner but at least she wrote her wishings for Guan Zhu on the super big birthday card. She claimed that her mother already cooked (已经煮). Well, Han Xiang rebutted her saying,"your mother only boiled the water not cooked the food (你妈煮开水了不是煮饭)." Anyway, seeing her carrying a bag of cup noodles and snacks, i called her auntie.
The place of celebration was the foodcentre near my place. We had fish head curry, sambal stingray, claypot tofu and sweet & sour pork. Then Michelle, Han Xiang and Guan Zhu started commenting when i was eating the fish head curry. The reason for their complaints was: A person with gastric problem still can eat fish head curry (有胃痛的人还可以吃fish head curry). Then Michelle added, "fish head curry is sour and spicy (fish head curry是又酸又辣)." I replied that if it is fish head curry, i can still eat it.
Right after the meal, we went to have dessert. Accidentally, i found Michelle's dislike - Chengteng. haha. That definitely was a funny way of discovering. So once in a blue moon, i ordered for all of them. The order was: dou suan for Cynthia, sweet potato soup for Michelle, ice jelly for both Han Xiang and Guan Zhu.
After getting the desserts all on the table, we began eating.
Here came the biggest joke for the day:
So Michelle asked, "This is sweet potato soup (这是sweet potato soup)?"
Me: Ya, as long as there is sweet potato in it, it is sweet potato soup, (里面有sweet potato就是). (in a state of disbelief)
Michelle then drumed her chest as she seemed annoyed and said,"让我锤心肛" . The next moment, Cynthia was laughing uncontrollably. I was still unclear what was wrong with the sweet potato soup. So i continued eating my favourite chengteng. Still, i wanted to get that mystery off my head so i went on asking again. I asked,"这里的甜品算好吃了,你为什么不喜欢?"
In the end, Cynthia laughed till she could not carry on eating and Michelle was particularly turned off (as if she wanted to faint). So Cynthia who managed to recover from all the laughters, told me there are different soup bases for sweet potato soup. Michelle did not like the soup with chengteng base. Ah, finally, i got enlightened.
Birthday message to Guan Zhu:
Happy Birthday! 哦my天, i have known you for 7 years. I still remember those times when we were wrongly acknowledged as brothers back in our secondary school's days. It can't be helped as our names were quite similar in their pronounciation. I am looking forward to playing soccer with you next year, i hope and i shall wish that you don't get injured so easily anymore. haha. Thanks alot for being my friend. haha. Follow me and say, " No more to Lonely birthday!" (abit lame though)
Met Guan Zhu, Han Xiang, Wei Ting, Cynthia and Michelle (孙女) for dinner to celebrate Guan Zhu's birthday. Although his birthday fell on the 15th, Guan Zhu wanted it to be held on tuesday, 16th. A pity Wei Ting could not join us for the dinner but at least she wrote her wishings for Guan Zhu on the super big birthday card. She claimed that her mother already cooked (已经煮). Well, Han Xiang rebutted her saying,"your mother only boiled the water not cooked the food (你妈煮开水了不是煮饭)." Anyway, seeing her carrying a bag of cup noodles and snacks, i called her auntie.
The place of celebration was the foodcentre near my place. We had fish head curry, sambal stingray, claypot tofu and sweet & sour pork. Then Michelle, Han Xiang and Guan Zhu started commenting when i was eating the fish head curry. The reason for their complaints was: A person with gastric problem still can eat fish head curry (有胃痛的人还可以吃fish head curry). Then Michelle added, "fish head curry is sour and spicy (fish head curry是又酸又辣)." I replied that if it is fish head curry, i can still eat it.
Right after the meal, we went to have dessert. Accidentally, i found Michelle's dislike - Chengteng. haha. That definitely was a funny way of discovering. So once in a blue moon, i ordered for all of them. The order was: dou suan for Cynthia, sweet potato soup for Michelle, ice jelly for both Han Xiang and Guan Zhu.
After getting the desserts all on the table, we began eating.
Here came the biggest joke for the day:
So Michelle asked, "This is sweet potato soup (这是sweet potato soup)?"
Me: Ya, as long as there is sweet potato in it, it is sweet potato soup, (里面有sweet potato就是). (in a state of disbelief)
Michelle then drumed her chest as she seemed annoyed and said,"让我锤心肛" . The next moment, Cynthia was laughing uncontrollably. I was still unclear what was wrong with the sweet potato soup. So i continued eating my favourite chengteng. Still, i wanted to get that mystery off my head so i went on asking again. I asked,"这里的甜品算好吃了,你为什么不喜欢?"
In the end, Cynthia laughed till she could not carry on eating and Michelle was particularly turned off (as if she wanted to faint). So Cynthia who managed to recover from all the laughters, told me there are different soup bases for sweet potato soup. Michelle did not like the soup with chengteng base. Ah, finally, i got enlightened.
Birthday message to Guan Zhu:
Happy Birthday! 哦my天, i have known you for 7 years. I still remember those times when we were wrongly acknowledged as brothers back in our secondary school's days. It can't be helped as our names were quite similar in their pronounciation. I am looking forward to playing soccer with you next year, i hope and i shall wish that you don't get injured so easily anymore. haha. Thanks alot for being my friend. haha. Follow me and say, " No more to Lonely birthday!" (abit lame though)
Photos from Guan Zhu's Birthday
Title: Photos from Guan Zhu's Birthday
Writing: The super big sized card for Guan Zhu...
Turn off:It is not Han Xiang's style to pose for a smile...

Poking for some thoughts: what are you thinking of, 孙女?

Dummies: don't the guys look faked?

JIT: Just in time for some bullying...

哦my天: Han Xiang is shorter than Michelle...

姐姐: Cynthi
Birthday Boy: Guan Zhu...
Writing: The super big sized card for Guan Zhu...
Turn off:It is not Han Xiang's style to pose for a smile...
Poking for some thoughts: what are you thinking of, 孙女?
Dummies: don't the guys look faked?
JIT: Just in time for some bullying...
哦my天: Han Xiang is shorter than Michelle...
姐姐: Cynthi
Birthday Boy: Guan Zhu...
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Ice Skating
Title: Ice Skating
8 Oct/Mon
I had an ice-skating outing with Derek, Zarra, Melise, Maureen, Gerry, Yi Da, Wen Jie, Tony and Hui Wen. After having a short meal at a fast food restaurant, we headed to the rink. I was not any ice-skating expert who could spin as and when i liked it. I think only Melise, Gerry, Yi Da and me were not frequent skaters. All the others were so good. I managed to see a young boy around the age of 4 receiving a skating lesson. Well, he looked really cute. Even the hardest fall that he made was so gentle.
We even had a mini 'train ride' in the rink. The train was basically formed with a single file with each person placing their hand on the person before him/her. So the train would start operating when the first person started the ride by moving forward. So the first person was also the one controlling the speed of ride. It was thrilling. However, we stopped shortly as we were all warned the risk of falling on our chins.
I ended skating early with Melise, Wen Jie and Yi Da. After skating, we went to look for Shu Ting as she working there. Derek was the customer ordering from her while i took down the video. Derek even commended Shu Ting before her superior.
We settled our dinner at the foodcourt, IMM as it was nearby. Before dinner, we - Maureen, Hui Wen, Derek and me - were playing the digital game that was screened on the ground and needed us to move legs to move the digital objects in the games in the mall. For example, we had a short soccer game with the conventional applied - put the ball behind the net. I teamed up with Maureen but we played 2 times and were thrashed twice, 3-0 and 3-1. The others - Melise, Tony and Gerry - were standing still and seeing the big kids playing.
I learnt the phrase - oh my tian (哦my天) from Hui Wen. haha. What a cool phrase! I am influenced and addicted to using that phrase.
Then we went to a Japanese store. I particularly like the picture that WenJie and the rest wearing the specs. They truly looked old. Perhaps a few wrinkles on them would have made them a complete senior citizens. haha.哦my天!!
8 Oct/Mon
I had an ice-skating outing with Derek, Zarra, Melise, Maureen, Gerry, Yi Da, Wen Jie, Tony and Hui Wen. After having a short meal at a fast food restaurant, we headed to the rink. I was not any ice-skating expert who could spin as and when i liked it. I think only Melise, Gerry, Yi Da and me were not frequent skaters. All the others were so good. I managed to see a young boy around the age of 4 receiving a skating lesson. Well, he looked really cute. Even the hardest fall that he made was so gentle.
We even had a mini 'train ride' in the rink. The train was basically formed with a single file with each person placing their hand on the person before him/her. So the train would start operating when the first person started the ride by moving forward. So the first person was also the one controlling the speed of ride. It was thrilling. However, we stopped shortly as we were all warned the risk of falling on our chins.
I ended skating early with Melise, Wen Jie and Yi Da. After skating, we went to look for Shu Ting as she working there. Derek was the customer ordering from her while i took down the video. Derek even commended Shu Ting before her superior.
We settled our dinner at the foodcourt, IMM as it was nearby. Before dinner, we - Maureen, Hui Wen, Derek and me - were playing the digital game that was screened on the ground and needed us to move legs to move the digital objects in the games in the mall. For example, we had a short soccer game with the conventional applied - put the ball behind the net. I teamed up with Maureen but we played 2 times and were thrashed twice, 3-0 and 3-1. The others - Melise, Tony and Gerry - were standing still and seeing the big kids playing.
I learnt the phrase - oh my tian (哦my天) from Hui Wen. haha. What a cool phrase! I am influenced and addicted to using that phrase.
Then we went to a Japanese store. I particularly like the picture that WenJie and the rest wearing the specs. They truly looked old. Perhaps a few wrinkles on them would have made them a complete senior citizens. haha.哦my天!!
Photos from Ice Skating....
Title: Photos from Ice Skating....
Hi, (from left) Maureen, Zarra, Melise

Wen Jie... Decent SMILE!

哦my天! what is this? some dancing lesson?

Derek.... The big monster. Bye bye, Maureen

Mel, the 'fish' guide! So many 'fishes' ...

Back is prettier!

Engulf you!

Group Photo, Gerry's the tallest

Hui Wen (Queen of 哦my天) and Tony

Aunties, Uncles.... My favorite picture of all

Watch it, Uncle Wen Jie!

Sorry but you really looked old with the glasses...

Hi, (from left) Maureen, Zarra, Melise
Wen Jie... Decent SMILE!
哦my天! what is this? some dancing lesson?
Derek.... The big monster. Bye bye, Maureen
Mel, the 'fish' guide! So many 'fishes' ...
Back is prettier!
Engulf you!
Group Photo, Gerry's the tallest
Hui Wen (Queen of 哦my天) and Tony
Aunties, Uncles.... My favorite picture of all
Watch it, Uncle Wen Jie!
Sorry but you really looked old with the glasses...
Sunday, October 14, 2007
9th Anniversary
Title: 9th Anniversary
After seeing the scene, he did not feel anything at all. Soon, he together with young cousins, was instructed to leave the room. There, they were all in their grandmother's bedroom with the door closed. 7 cousins were all together, including him. Meanwhile, the living room and that room were filled with adults only. The initial neutral feeling changed as they all lay down on the mattresses and bed. He broke into tears and sadness, after all, settled down in the bedroom. So all the little cousins with age gap of 1-2 years between themselves recalled, so did he. For him, he could remember how his paternal grandfather (aka Ah Gong) had doted him. Ah Gong had the habit of taking him and cousins to the nearby coffeehouse for some simple meals. Chee-cheong fun would be a regular dish ordered. There would be frequent mahjong sessions on weekends when he witnessed his Ah Gong playing, and once he remembered, his back was facing him. To him, it was all too familiar and that could happen again if only time could be reversed. In his deepest memory, he would keep in his mind. As emotions built up, he could feel the pain of loss as they all experienced it together by crying it out and loud for their dearest.
9 years on, 13 oct was the date for Ah Gong's anniversary. The feeling came back. It was as though he experienced some bits of the past. The weather of yesterday seemed to have a little consensus with his feeling. It started raining in the morning briefly. On top of that, the gloom was compounded by recent events that had confronted him the night before.
He then made his prayer to Ah Gong. He told his senior what he felt and hoped for a clear direction. Moreover, he donated $2 for a joss paper, on behalf of his mother - a routine done by his mother when she visited.
After that, he left and departed with his relatives at one of the local MRT stations. When one was alone, he had all the thoughts in the world for him to reminisce of happenings related to his Ah Gong. To enhance his gloomy mood, he decided to listen to some sad songs that suited very much to the emotions he had. At the platform, he decided not to board a train and instead walk slowly past each door. In a few seconds, the train was departing. He was still walking in the similar direction the train was in as the train outpaced him. Sometimes, there was wind howling into the platforms through the big gaps as spotted:

Then a thought came by. It was a premonition experienced 3 years back.
He saw his Ah Gong and his great grandmother (still around) in his dreams. But they all looked very stern. He noticed that Ah Gong's hair was so much longer like those characters in periodical drama, without tying their pigtail and Ah Gong was in a white clothes like the ones that souls wore. There was so much mist in the air surrounding them and he was wondering what that stare could mean. Were they offended? Was he asked to do something? Right after, he was scared out of his dream. It was later found that he was one of the 2 relatives, who managed to see Ah Gong in their dreams. So he supposed to be considered lucky. His aunt who saw Ah Gong, was asked to burn more paper money for him as he was spotted shivering in another dimension. For his dream, he might be asked to do more than just buying paper notes.
For years, the meaning of them staring at him was not solved. The meaning was deciphered a few times. But those were only personal guesses and might not be accurate.
After seeing the scene, he did not feel anything at all. Soon, he together with young cousins, was instructed to leave the room. There, they were all in their grandmother's bedroom with the door closed. 7 cousins were all together, including him. Meanwhile, the living room and that room were filled with adults only. The initial neutral feeling changed as they all lay down on the mattresses and bed. He broke into tears and sadness, after all, settled down in the bedroom. So all the little cousins with age gap of 1-2 years between themselves recalled, so did he. For him, he could remember how his paternal grandfather (aka Ah Gong) had doted him. Ah Gong had the habit of taking him and cousins to the nearby coffeehouse for some simple meals. Chee-cheong fun would be a regular dish ordered. There would be frequent mahjong sessions on weekends when he witnessed his Ah Gong playing, and once he remembered, his back was facing him. To him, it was all too familiar and that could happen again if only time could be reversed. In his deepest memory, he would keep in his mind. As emotions built up, he could feel the pain of loss as they all experienced it together by crying it out and loud for their dearest.
9 years on, 13 oct was the date for Ah Gong's anniversary. The feeling came back. It was as though he experienced some bits of the past. The weather of yesterday seemed to have a little consensus with his feeling. It started raining in the morning briefly. On top of that, the gloom was compounded by recent events that had confronted him the night before.
He then made his prayer to Ah Gong. He told his senior what he felt and hoped for a clear direction. Moreover, he donated $2 for a joss paper, on behalf of his mother - a routine done by his mother when she visited.
After that, he left and departed with his relatives at one of the local MRT stations. When one was alone, he had all the thoughts in the world for him to reminisce of happenings related to his Ah Gong. To enhance his gloomy mood, he decided to listen to some sad songs that suited very much to the emotions he had. At the platform, he decided not to board a train and instead walk slowly past each door. In a few seconds, the train was departing. He was still walking in the similar direction the train was in as the train outpaced him. Sometimes, there was wind howling into the platforms through the big gaps as spotted:
Then a thought came by. It was a premonition experienced 3 years back.
He saw his Ah Gong and his great grandmother (still around) in his dreams. But they all looked very stern. He noticed that Ah Gong's hair was so much longer like those characters in periodical drama, without tying their pigtail and Ah Gong was in a white clothes like the ones that souls wore. There was so much mist in the air surrounding them and he was wondering what that stare could mean. Were they offended? Was he asked to do something? Right after, he was scared out of his dream. It was later found that he was one of the 2 relatives, who managed to see Ah Gong in their dreams. So he supposed to be considered lucky. His aunt who saw Ah Gong, was asked to burn more paper money for him as he was spotted shivering in another dimension. For his dream, he might be asked to do more than just buying paper notes.
For years, the meaning of them staring at him was not solved. The meaning was deciphered a few times. But those were only personal guesses and might not be accurate.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Passion Chalet 3
Title: Passion Chalet 3
Day 2/ 2 Oct Chalet
In between BBQ, i went out cycling with Wen Jie and Gerry. We completed cycling around the entire Pasir Ris Park before heading out of the chalet area, onto the streets. We started our way via the Pasir Ris CL. It joins with Pasir Ris Dr 6 which is a long stretch of road where we passed by Hai Sing Catholic School and Loyang Primary School. Soon when approaching the end of Dr 6, we made a right turn to Pasir Ris Dr 1. From there, we went to Pasir Ris Town Park. On the way back, Wen Jie experienced a few seconds of thrilled ride as a bus was hot on his heels when he was cycling on the road. He felt the real fun himself.
Day 3/ 3 Oct Chalet
We all cycled back to chalet right after. Xiao Ting, Feng Kai, Karen, Yong Qing, Gerry, Melise, Daniel and i went to watch sunrise. I had asked them to walk towards the end of the Pasir Ris Park where it was near to Aloha Loyang chalet. I was 100% sure that was where the sun would wake up from. What i had witnessed, firstly, the sky was dark. Soon, it became purple with gradient effect. The lighter color of the sky came from the direction where i claimed the sun would rise from while the other side where the others kept grumbling to be the side the sun should rise, was apparently still in the color of yesterday - black. Clearly, i could witness the whitening effect on the side i was in favour of, starting first. Unfortunately, for me, i could not prove that i was right as the weather was not in the correct mood. Instead, they blamed me for not catching a glimpse of sunrise. Well, i could only say i was wrongly accused, anyway, that was only a small matter. I let them off. Hope they see the true light in the direction that the sun would rise when they next visit the place themselves for sunrise.
Back in chalet after sunrise, Feng Kai, Gerry and i did the unthinkable. We plunged into the swimming pool with our pants and the swimming pool was also closed. What a crazy idea! The first contact with the water in the pool was definitely refreshing. It was cool, thanks Feng Kai for your suggestion. I would never do it, if not for Feng Kai's insistence. I think we swam for 15mins and even with onlookers around, we just took it nothing happened. Gerry even suggested us saying if questioned, we just say we never saw the no swimming sign as it was placed in a direction out of our sight. haha. However, fun always ends early when a security came.
The chalet then ended with a meal at White Sands.
Day 2/ 2 Oct Chalet
In between BBQ, i went out cycling with Wen Jie and Gerry. We completed cycling around the entire Pasir Ris Park before heading out of the chalet area, onto the streets. We started our way via the Pasir Ris CL. It joins with Pasir Ris Dr 6 which is a long stretch of road where we passed by Hai Sing Catholic School and Loyang Primary School. Soon when approaching the end of Dr 6, we made a right turn to Pasir Ris Dr 1. From there, we went to Pasir Ris Town Park. On the way back, Wen Jie experienced a few seconds of thrilled ride as a bus was hot on his heels when he was cycling on the road. He felt the real fun himself.
Night cycling was looming as time passed by. So we all started the trail by completing Pasir Ris Park, before embarking on the actual route to Changi Village. At Pasir Ris Park, Hui Wen was rowdy. At first she was playing with Ee Ren while on the bike, by raising her foot from side and threatening to kick Ee Ren's bike. Then she tried that on me. I think Feng Kai and Karen were ones of those who used the most energy in cycling. Because he was cycling a double bike with Karen and to top that, Karen was carrying a bag containing two 1.5litres mineral water. Thanks. The route was well remembered at the back of my head.
When we were at Changi Village, we then met with a problem. Foong Ling, unfortunately hurt her hand while on the way to OCH. Hopefully she can recover soon.Day 3/ 3 Oct Chalet
We all cycled back to chalet right after. Xiao Ting, Feng Kai, Karen, Yong Qing, Gerry, Melise, Daniel and i went to watch sunrise. I had asked them to walk towards the end of the Pasir Ris Park where it was near to Aloha Loyang chalet. I was 100% sure that was where the sun would wake up from. What i had witnessed, firstly, the sky was dark. Soon, it became purple with gradient effect. The lighter color of the sky came from the direction where i claimed the sun would rise from while the other side where the others kept grumbling to be the side the sun should rise, was apparently still in the color of yesterday - black. Clearly, i could witness the whitening effect on the side i was in favour of, starting first. Unfortunately, for me, i could not prove that i was right as the weather was not in the correct mood. Instead, they blamed me for not catching a glimpse of sunrise. Well, i could only say i was wrongly accused, anyway, that was only a small matter. I let them off. Hope they see the true light in the direction that the sun would rise when they next visit the place themselves for sunrise.
Back in chalet after sunrise, Feng Kai, Gerry and i did the unthinkable. We plunged into the swimming pool with our pants and the swimming pool was also closed. What a crazy idea! The first contact with the water in the pool was definitely refreshing. It was cool, thanks Feng Kai for your suggestion. I would never do it, if not for Feng Kai's insistence. I think we swam for 15mins and even with onlookers around, we just took it nothing happened. Gerry even suggested us saying if questioned, we just say we never saw the no swimming sign as it was placed in a direction out of our sight. haha. However, fun always ends early when a security came.
The chalet then ended with a meal at White Sands.
Photos from Passion Chalet 2
Title: Photos from Passion Chalet 2
Sleeping MEL!

King and Queen of Losers! haha(no offence, purely joke)
Where did the light c0me from!

Ee Ren and Yvonne, Look here!

Hotdog Girl and Kelvin!

Again, Hotdog Girl with Leo!

Xiao Ting and Feng Kai, Caught YOU!

, hard working!
Evangeline, the only gal in the picture!

Do your JOB, Yvonne!

Sleeping MEL!
King and Queen of Losers! haha(no offence, purely joke)
Where did the light c0me from!
Ee Ren and Yvonne, Look here!
Hotdog Girl and Kelvin!
Again, Hotdog Girl with Leo!
Xiao Ting and Feng Kai, Caught YOU!
Evangeline, the only gal in the picture!
Do your JOB, Yvonne!
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