Sunday, June 21, 2009

Be magnanimous

This morning, i finally picked myself up from the comfy bed. It has been hard since i have missed my sunday run for the past 3 weeks. My extra motivation to run came from the fact i did not run during the weekdays and i missed my regular running. It just took a week without running and running can be quite a difficult task. All the regular breathing and correct pacing are out of tune.

Later, i met Michelle and Cynthia for breakfast, although it was previously agreed we would run together. I ordered a bowl of century egg porridge. Michelle was turned off by the century egg. Then she went on to explain that it was the yolk that tasted weird.

So i told her, "If you like egg white, you will like egg yolk as well." It was a statement of being magnanimous. A person, like century egg, cannot be perfect. A person has his/her positive points as well as negative ones. Judge the person overall. When you turn a blind eye to his/her weakness and you still feel comfortable doing so, the person before you might be the one you have been waiting for. Moreover, you will be magnanimous enough to accept him/her. However when the person just does not suit you, pass it up. At the end of the day, it is about if you want to eat the century egg or not. It is that simple.

But then, when both get together, it is crucial that the initial feeling still maintained the same, not an inch of change. When both meet regularly, there is bound to be disagreements. However, these disagreements should not be detrimental to state of the relationship. If possible, stay happy and simple with occasional romantic displays. This will keep the flame of love burning. Be magnanimous as both involved must for the relationship to carry on.

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