Monday, July 21, 2008

Why i don't like to argue?

Title: Why i don't like to argue?

There is one dominating feeling that has reigned in my heart, soul for quite some time this year - happiness. It is this kind of feeling that makes you look forward to each and next everyday.

It saddens me to see people around who pick up fights. I strongly encourage to give up fights that have no meaning or significance to their character. In short, arguments or fights that mean next to nothing should be abandoned right away.

To me, to argue, i will kill my brain cells, spoil my mood for that day or even made unnecessary enemies. Also, i would not want to 'pollute' my environment. People who listen to argument will get sick of it and i am definitely one of those who cannot stand people who argue over petty matters. These are issues we should overlook and let it be bygones.

Put no petty matters in my heart where it ultimately can only contain the precious persons. Heart is a chamber to someone who values you and you value him/her.

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