Sunday, August 30, 2009

Don't worry about every day

Suddenly, i just had a surge of emotions to blog. Probably i have not done a proper writeup for the past few entries.

Currently i am living through a life bloated with worries. Like the economists will say, the future is bleak and uncertain. This creates fear. The fear to even make a step forward. Somehow, when mistakes are committed, punishments follow suit. These are things that would come at times unknowingly risking my free time burnt.

I am just tired of all the so-called preachings. Because i know what is right and wrong. And because i know certain things are based on relationship. That is why there is nothing absolute. Still, i must pass my time with worries on my back.

Maybe i shoud take things in stride. Stay calm.

"Don't worry about every day; because each day has its own worries and will be taken care of." - Kwan Chet

Saturday, August 29, 2009

My friends - shufen and xiaoxin

My friends - shufen and xiaoxin

From small to large head!
Been ages since we met.

You can be great too!

I am not losing the aspect on humanity. But just that, he is not that godlike. You are not that worse off.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Mr. Tan = Mdm Tan?

Hui Li: You are Mr Tan so you haven't married right?

Mr. Tan: Yes.

Hui Li: So when you are married, you are Madam Tan.

Mr Tan: ----____----l l l

Monday, August 17, 2009

hello island

hello, island. i am home. Time flies when i am out. A tagboard is up finally.